Kappa Delta Phi

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Membership Spotlight: Nu Chapter President Caleb Gorey

Caleb J. Gorey, Nu Chapter President

Thomas College, Waterville, ME

Major: Entrepreneurship

Expected Graduation: 2021

My name is Caleb Gorey, and I am the current president of Kappa Delta Phi, Nu Chapter. My background at Thomas College includes having managed the Men’s Lacrosse Team my freshmen year, playing lacrosse my sophomore year, and playing for the Men’s Soccer Team in my upcoming junior year. I study business, marketing, and management, and spend much of my time writing books. I am also a part of the Student Athletic Advisory Committee and being the president of Nu Chapter.

Upon entering Thomas College, having a close friend group has always been a personal necessity, and discovering the strong brotherhood of Kappa Delta Phi was what really drew me in. The fraternity brothers and I became great friends and in time I decided to join the organization. Beyond all of the events we held and great people I met through the fraternity, I mostly enjoyed the philanthropy aspect and raising money for Homes For Our Troops. With the time I have left at Thomas College, I plan to spend it with my fraternity brothers, playing sports, and writing.