
A message from the Chairman

I hope this message finds you all well. Recent months have been incredibly challenging for us all. Personally, and professionally many of us have been forced to adapt in many ways we likely never imagined. It has been no different for our Chapters, or the Kappa men who make up our Headquarters staff, and Board of Directors.

Since April, we've been faced with a National Convention which needed to be cancelled, and then campuses closing. The fall out of which left many Chapters with lost new member classes, events which could not be held; and uncertain futures both as students, and as brothers. Seniors missed out on not only their school commencements in many cases, but ours as well. A special moment to be recognized at convention, recieve their coin, and be escorted to their reception. Events of late have been unfortunate, but miniscule when compared to the grand scale. We all persevere and continue on to do the work of this Fraternity, and maintain its ideals.

In that vein, it is my pleasure to update you on the current workings of The Fraternity. In lieu of convention, and to uphold our constitutional duty. The Board of Representatives, comprised of the voting representatives of each Chapter in good standing, and the sitting Board of Directors, was convened on Saturday, April 18, by virtual conference. This meeting discussed many items of business to wrap up the 2019-2020 year. Including numerous housekeeping amendments to the constitution, and some changes to the stated timelines for voting items prior to convention. If you are interested in a complete review of the changes to the constitution, or to receive the complete minutes, and recording for the 2020 general business meeting. Please send an email to, and I’ll be glad to provide these for you.

All in all, given this being an unprecedented occurrence of needing to hold the Board of Representatives meeting virtually. I’m pleased to say everything went off without a hitch. I am grateful to the Chapter Presidents, as well as my fellow members of the Board of Directors, for their cooperation in making the meeting a success.

Finally, to business operations, and some necessary news to keep you apprised of. Jon Kadel, former Executive Director of Kappa Delta Phi, has resigned, effective as of informing Chapter Presidents during the Board of Representatives meeting (April 18th.) Jon spoke to Chapter Presidents during the meeting, who shared their own thanks for his efforts over the years. The board wishes to thank Jon for all he’s done in continuing the mission of this fraternity, and ensuring it’s spirit never dies.

After serving as such on an interim basis, the board officially appointed brother James Tormey, of Alpha Chapter, to the role of Executive Director. This occurred during the Summer meeting, which was held on Saturday, June 27th, again by virtual conference. James will serve a two-year term as Executive Director, at which point the Board will revisit the position and decide on new appointment.

We are excited for the new direction James will be leading our Chapters into. Work is already underway in changing our operations in new and exciting ways. I have been apart of the National organization for about 10 years now, and I can confidently say; this current period of time is one with the most drastic change we have ever seen. Fresh ideas and opinions are being infused into our organization, and being embraced by those who wish to break from the status quo and move us in a new direction. To illustrate what I mean, here’s a quick synopsis on some of the exciting changes in the horizon:

  • A new and completely revamped website. Currently live at

    • Note: the existing domain ( is still owned, and will be migrated over soon. It currently points to the new domain.

    • Certain sections are still a work in progress.

  • Contracts signed and initial build implementation complete with GreekTrack

    • GreekTrack is a Chapter management system that will allow us to connect our undergraduate members activities with Headquarters in ways never before possible.

    • In addition, it will serve to house the entirety of our membership database, including alumni. Alumni will be able to (optionally) create accounts within the system to update their profiles, and stay up to date on Chapter activities in real time.

    • GreekTrack will live under the domain

  • A complete rebuild of our Gsuite domain back end

    • Currently underway, we are building out organizational units for each Chapter, this means all undergrads, and alumni will have access to their own email in, to do so with as they please.

    • Unlike student’s .edu accounts, this email will never be lost, only transitioned to an alumni subdomain when a brother graduates, In example (subject to change, domain names have not been settled yet):

      • Undergraduate:

      • Alumni:

    • We envision these Gsuite accounts to be the primary means brothers will sign up, and login to GreekTrack. This ties together both sides of our “virtual” infrastructure. A domain email, and a login to GreekTrack.

  • Much, much more information on GreekTrack, as well as plans for all of our internal infrastructure will be coming in the months ahead

This is just a few of the items we are hard at work on. Those who know me, know that from the minute I agreed to take on the role of Chairman. I endeavored to accomplish one thing: build the structure of an organization who is prepared and ready to move from an operational business model, to a scalable and sustainable model. Only by doing so, can we ever hope to reach a place this organization has never seen.

This is just the start, brothers. You will hear more from me soon, there will be more information to come. You will share in our journey and our vision for the future. I hope you’ll be ready to help us reach new heights, in whatever way you can.

Until we speak again, May The Spirit Never Die.


Jason Pettine, Alpha ‘04

Chairman of the Board